Friday, March 28, 2008

Bloodstone Borders Week 1

Well, I played my first game of the spring season of the new Warmachine/Hordes league. Needless to say it was a game I would rather forget. I did learn a few things and hopefully I can improve on my performance next week. I played against Alan the 2nd, arguably the best player in the league and he ended up smoking me. Typically when I run my Circle army I do pretty well. This time I didn't. I made a huge mistake with my army composition because I didn't think things out ahead of time. I chose to play with Kruegar (who is a great all-around caster) and with Kromac. Now Kromac is nice, but when you play with him you need to make sure you play against another Hordes army, otherwise you completely throw away your feat. Alan played a Khador army, so throwing away my feat is what I did. The really weaken Kromac who can end up being a glass cannon even with his feat. He is brutal for one turn, and then he comes back down to earth.

I also made a couple of mistakes with my army makeup. I ran with my wolf riders and while they are nice models and a ton of fun, they are not really effective against the heavily armored Khador force. Even with their prey (Uhlans) they were not able to put a dent in their armor. I would have been better served bringing an additional unit of Tharn Ravagers and/or a unit of Bloodtrackers. Each of them could have been much more effective than the quick but light hitting riders.

The last mistake I made was getting my warbeasts too far up into the mix. I was overlay agressive and while I did considerable damage with my Tharn Ravager unit and my war beasts versus his Ironfang Pikemen and his Widowmakers (one Tharn took out the entire unit of Widows in one turn). My warbeasts were then very susceptable to the attacks of the Kodiak charge and the Spriggan charge. It was brutal. The Kodiak took out two of my heavy warbeasts in consecutive turns. I need to make sure I play with that warjack when I break out my Khador again. That thing is by far one of the nastiest models I've ever faced. I had no idea they could be that brutal in hand to hand.

Oh, one other mistake I made was getting Kruegar into the counter-charge threat range of his Drahkun. I took a nasty charge from him on my turn and nearly lost my warlock. I ended up sluffing the damage off onto my Woldwatcher, killing it, when I didn't really need to get that close to his model.

On a positive note, I was able to score three VP for killing solos, which currently puts me in the running to win the award for that particular category. I don't feel I need to win the overall, but I would like to eventually win one of the 4 ribbons. They look pretty cool.

Next week I am going to think a bit more about my army composition. I wanted to try a couple of things this time around and it didn't really work out. I need to stick with some of my normal models, ones that I know, and then maybe I'll make a much better showing.

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