Friday, March 28, 2008

Obama in Pennsylvania

Let's get this out in the open: I have completely thrown my support behind Barack Obama in the upcoming Presidential elections. I just got done reading an article about Obama and his campaign in the state of Pennsylvania (read the article by clicking here). Anyway, it got me thinking about the elections.

These are some pretty intense elections, but I don't think people who support Hillary Clinton are aware of why she is running. It is pretty evident when you look at where she is now however, unless you are jade and want her to win regardless. Hillary is up against a wall. She trails in the popular vote by 700,000 votes. She trails in the number of state primaries won by a considerable amount. She trails in the overall delegate count by approximately 120 votes depending on what results you look at. Yet even in the face of all of this, she continues to campaign.

Pundits are claiming that the growing negativity of the campaign has given Hillary a boost yet it is also affecting the ability of the Democrats to run in the fall against John McCain. It is going to take amonumental collapse by Obama to lose the delegate race and the popular vote, yet Hillary is hedging her bets on the idea that she can convince the superdelegates to vote for her at the convention this summer. Now, if that was to happen, people are saying it would destroy the Democrats' faith in their party. Now what does that say about Hillary Clinton? To me it says that she is willing to make sweeping sacrifices of the party just to win the nomination and an opportunity to face McCain in November. Doesn't this spit in the face of the American poliical ideal? Our candidates are suppose to represent us because of what they can do for our country. Hillary has a personal agenda. I really do believe as a liberated woman it is more about her proving to the world that she can do it, rather than doing it to help America. Do you really believe that sacrificing the strength of the Democratic Party is worth buoying the ego of one woman? I don't.

Obama has vision. Hillary has hindsight. She runs on the platform of "we'll do it the way Bill did it for his eight years". Yet, he was far from perfect. Obama is moving forward, and to me shows the same vision as world changers like Roosevelt, Kennedy and Eisenhower. Those are the kind of politics we need. It isn't enough to make small changes to the political landscape. We need profound vision, someone to push for sweeping change. We need a new policy regarding energy, moving us away from oil reliance and towards something that will grow our economy. America is on a threshold, one that coudl allow us to change the world and only one candidate is willing to take us into that unexplored realm.

Pennsylvania is going to be important. Obama will need to try to strengthen his bond with the labor unions and try to win the working class by showing his endorsements by the Teamsters and other strong labor organizations if he is going to have any chance in that state. He wins Pennsylvania and hopefully Hillary will realize that she is doing nothing but hurting the democrats chance of putting their own President in the White House.

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