The weekend went by extremely fast. I had to work my second job, so it wasn't much of a break at all. The time that I did have at home, with my family was nice though.
Friday night we basically just stuck around home. We really are trying not to spend a whole lot of money on going out. It was nice. I got to spend some time with the kids. Thursdays are always rough because I don't get to see either Balin or Grace because I don't get home until well after they have went to bed. I then get up at 5:00am on Friday to meet some friends for breakfast. So, once the kids go to bed on Wednesday night I typically don't see them again until around 5:00pm on Friday.
Gracie is still spending a lot of time with her Webkinz and occasionally has me help her make money for her. I don't mind doing that though I don't want her spending all her time on the computer. We usually keep her to 30 minute sessions a couple of times a day.
I played around on the floor with Balin Friday night. He loves to crawl on top of me while i lay there. It is fun because he just cracks up laughing. He is still fighting us with walking but we figure it is just a matter of time. I would guess that he could be on his own by month's end.
Saturday, after I got out of work, we all went over to our friends' house. Bob and Kate have three kids, including a little girl that is also in kindergarten. Gracie loves to go over there and play. We had some pizza and played a game of cards and basically just chatted for a couple of hours. It was nice. We need to do things like that more often.
The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful. I got to work on Sunday and someone had broken in over night. It wasn't a horrible break-in, probably just a couple of kids. They smashed the front door and rather than come in the store and set off the motion detectors, they just smashed the display case that sat next to the door and stole a couple of boxes of Magic: The Gathering cards. They are fairly worthless in the scope of things. It turned out to be more of a pain in the butt than anything.
That's about it. Hope everyone out there reading the blog had a good weekend as well. As always, comments are welcome your you can reply directly to anything on this blog through my "blog specific email" at lonnbristolblog@gmail.com.
Happy week to all.
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