My job has pushed me to the edge. In fact, I nearly jumped today. It has been so frustrating here at work that I've had occasion where I've almost waled out. I completely lost my temper today. I yelled at the Corporate Internal Auditor and mouthed off to the Plant Manager. After that they just left me alone, which was probably good.
Monday's are always pretty stressful because I work under a stringent deadline for getting some important reports completed and sent over to the Corporate Office. Well, the auditor showed up while I was in the middle of my reports and insisted I take some time and answer some questions for her. She was checking on a corrective action that was supposed to have been put in place sometime ago. Well, it wasn't. It wasn't necessarily my fault, but according to the report she had, it was. I was not completely in agreement. She suggested that I do something about it and I suggested that she didn't know what the hell was talking about and that she was more than welcome to get the hell out of my office and take it up with the Plant Manager.
Well, she did. I got a call from the Plant Manager not too terribly long after that. I went down to see him and he was not very happy. I'm not sure if it was because we basically failed an audit again, or because Sheila (the auditor) had told him I was rude to her. I think it was a little of both. Well, Don ask if I could retrain all the necessary employees as listed on the audit and I told him "no" that I wasn't about to waste all my time training them. We are talking about having 15 minutes one-on-one sessions with more than 60 employees by the end of the week. Seeing as I will be out of the office on Wednesday I did not think that was possible. Anyway, to make a long story short, the Plant Manager wants a list of everything I do for the company so he can evaluate whether I am using my time wisely. I've written out a detailed two page report, ran it past my boss (who is actually higher in the food chain than the plant manager) and feel pretty confident that I am okay.
Now, about the venting. I've had enough of this place. I am being asked to work the same boring, deadend job for the same pay as I made 6 years ago. I don't really feel all that motivated. I'm certainly not about to bust my butt for a company that rewards lying and ignoring of basic business ethics. But hopefully, if I'm forced to, I won't have to for long.
I've been working a second job, for friends of mine that own a local hobby store. I went to lunch today and ran into John, the owner, and we got to talking. They are looking at possible future expansion and John is trying to figure out a way that he can match my salary and make me the Operations Manager for his company. If I got that job I would basically be in charge of all the personnel save him and the other owner. We talked for some time about how much I made, what kind of benefits I have, the type of insurance I've got and other stuff like that. Johnis looking for someone who could work unsupervised with the best interest of the company in mind. He thinks I would be a good person for this. That would be wonderful for me to get a job like that. I'm not out to make a fortune wherever I work. I just want to support my family and be happy when I do leave for work in the morning, rather than looking towards the day with a sense of dread.
Anyway, I'm hoping that within six months to a year something can and will happed for me. I think that blowing up at work is going to happen once in awhile, but I'm sure that making it habitual will be the end of me. Hopefully it never comes to that.
Monday, April 28, 2008
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